Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 Champion: The Rock


"The Little Doodle that Could"

Well, it finally happened. Yes, Rock has won an Underdogs Fantasy Football Championship. I could take this time to talk about how he embraced his inner Zionist by discussing the trades he pulled off with Don & Joe Pro, but that would be considered "negative". Besides, I've done some questionable wheeling and dealing throughout my fantasy career so I'm in no position to pass judgement. In fact, I have to congratulate Rock. All great success stories seem to involve a certain amount of ruthless scrambling to reach the top of the mountain.  So I say let's welcome Rock to the club. As a past victor, my advice is to enjoy the off-season as champion, and get ready for the bulls-eye that will be on your back through all of 2013.

Now, onto the business of the 2013 season. The draft order for next year will be as follows:

1. Vic (Regular Season: 2-11, 1302.5 Points for)
2. Joe Pro (Regular Season: 5-8, 1322 Points for)
3. Urgie (Regular Season: 5-8, 1486.5 Points for)
4. B-Shorts (Regular Season: 5-7-1, 1429 Points for)
5. T-Smoke (Regular Season: 6-7, 1345 Points for)
6. Don (Regular Season: 6-6-1, 1250 Points for)

7. Ginny (Regular Season: 7-6, 1407.5 Points for)
8. Wad (Regular Season: 7-6, 1486 Points for)
9. Joey (Regular Season: 7-6, 1648.5 Points for)
10. Spae (Regular Season: 8-5, 1580 Points for)
11. Davie (Regular Season: 9-4, 1477 Points for)
12. Rock (Regular Season: 10-3, 1678.5 Points for)

The 2012 entry fees (which I would appreciate everyone paying on draft day) will be put into the league treasury fund to pay the expenses for the 2013 draft, trophy engraving and post-season party expenses. The list is as follows:

  • Jeremy B-Shorts: 10 Acquisitions = $10
  • Wadhams: 15 Acquisitions = $35
  • Spae: 12 Acquisitions = $20
  • Vic: 7 Acquisitions = $7

  • Joe Pro: 10 Acquisitions = $10
  • Davie: 20 Acquisitions = $60
  • Urgie: 7 Acquisitions = $7
  • Don: 10 Acquisitions = $10

  • Joey: 13 Acquisitions = $25
  • Rock: 5 Acquisitions = $5
  • T-Smoke: 10 Acquisitions = $10
  • Ginny: 14 Acquisitions = $30

Remember, this money is going towards the draft board, draft day booze and food. I am not pocketing a dime, so for the good of the Underdogs Fantasy Football League, please be kind enough to pay.

Finally, since Vic had the misfortune of having a whopping 1618.5 scored against him this season, he will select the random numbers this year that will generate the 2013 schedule.

Enjoy the off-season, and  I'll see you in next year.

Monday, December 17, 2012

2012 Championship Matchup


So Davie & Rock are going head-to-head for the championship?


Sorry, I couldn't resist. Besides, I wanted to keep my Futurama motif  going through the post-season. In all seriousness, good luck to the both of you. Since things will be wrapping up this time next week, I'll lay out the whole process of how it's going to go down.

  • December 24, 2012 - Once the final score is decided, I'll actually come to you and drop off the money (minus the funds from those who still have not paid).
    • 1st Place - $750
    • 2nd Place - $350
    • 3rd Place - $100
  • December 26, 2012 - I'll drop off the trophy for engraving
    • The last few years they've stopped doing it while I waited and instead are taking their sweet time to finish it (Usually two days or so).
Once the trophy is done, I'll pick it up and bring it to you. That's it. All you guys have to do is sit back, adjust your rosters and hope the fantasy Gods smile upon your team. I think I speak on behalf of the other UDFFL Champions when I say I'm looking forward to welcoming one of you to the club. Good luck!

Finally, here's how the 2013 draft order will begin:

  1. Vic
  2. Joe Pro
  3. Urgie
  4. B-Shorts
  5. T-Smoke
  6. Don
  7. Ginny
  8. Wad

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Week 13: Opening Round of the Playoffs




"Let the games begin!"

I'm going to keep this one short since I've got exams both this week and next and I need to focus all my attention to keeping my 4.0

Here's how the playoff bracket looks for those of you who can't be bothered to look at the schedule tab. With Rock & Davie having the first and second seeds this postseason, I think it's safe to say that the way our league is structured gives everyone an equal chance to have the best team.


Finally, here's how the 2013 draft order will begin:

  1. Vic
  2. Joe Pro
  3. Urgie
  4. B-Shorts
  5. T-Smoke
  6. Don
See you when the semester ends!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Week 12: After all these years, things are FINALLY going Rock's way!



Behold your new fantasy football king!

Rock finally has a great  fantasy roster, a real jewggernaut of a team. I thought nothing could top him taking down a deer fetus last week, but then BANG!, he drops 183 points on Joey.

It fills me with so much joy and happiness to see him finally doing well.

I'm still sticking with my upbeat, I love everything demeanor that Rock loves so much. Nope, no "negativity" here. Sure, I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me, but it's hard to stay mad when there's so much beauty in the world.


Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much.


My heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst.


And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it.


And then it flows through me like rain.


And I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life.


In all honesty, I'm not sure how much longer I can keep up this faux positivity. It's really getting to the point where all the animosity I have let build up is on the brink of exploding.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Week 11: Sunshine, Lollipops, & Rainbows


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In keeping with Rock's anti-bullying campaign I'll continue to stay away from the negativity. Because everybody loves when Wadhams is suppressing the nearly overpowering disgust and contempt for the world he feels every waking moment. Often to the point that he's is pushed to the brink of snapping and completing his transformation into Dexter Morgan.

Season 1 Dexter is still the best Dexter if you ask me

So just call me "Postmaster P", after the main character from Leprechaun 5: Leprechaun in the Hood. And just like "Postmaster P", my goal is to deliver the message of positivity across the UDFFL.

It was still better than any episode of "Ice Loves Coco"

And as long as we're talking about Leprechauns, I got to thinking about how Notre Dame is ranked #1 in the BCS Standings with Alabama coming in at #2. Now what else says positivity better than a get together? Sure, we may have had a couple of moments of unpleasantness when all the members of the league have congregated over the course of the last half decade, but I think things will be different this year.

That's why I'm suggesting we set up our annual end of the year party for Saturday, January 5, 2013. There'll be some NFL playoff games, and it will also be two days before the BCS National Championship, which with a little luck, will have Notre Dame & Alabama playing together.

So think about it, won't you? There'll be the trophy presentation ceremony, food (paid for from acquisition fees), and for drinks I was thinking Irish Car Bombs & Alabama Slammers.

Let me know what you guys think!

*Notice how I didn't even mention that Spae tried to stick it to me by picking up Colin Kaepernick? Don't worry Spae, just like Jesus... I forgive you my son.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Week 10: All About Rock



I believe it was Bill Cosby who said something along the lines of "There is no better way to guarantee failure than trying to please everyone."

When I didn't do an update, Rock spoke out. When I did my update last week, Rock thought it was far too negative for such an uplifting and positive league like ours.

I think everyone can agree with me when I say tact is not my defining characteristic, so I've decided to make this update about Rock. I'm talking all Rock all the time! And as an act of good faith, I'm pretty sure all of these pics are flattering. Unless I'm mistaken, not one of these photos depict Rock in a lurid or shameful manner.

I present the following as an offering to Rock, submitted for his approval...


I hope you find this update as pleasing to read as it was for me to write.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Week 9: The Cutler Apathy


Two wins in a row, a personal best this season. It's great to be back! Actually I'm just kidding, my team's still more pretender than contender. Truth be told, I really don't care because even if I do make the playoffs my quarterbacks are so wretched that there's no way I could compete.

I realize a statement like that might seem strange since Jay Cutler got me 28 points this week. Thanks Jay!

Jay Cutler: Huh? What? No problem Wadhams. You're welcome. I mean, not that I care. Whatever. Stuff sucks.

I suppose I could probably talk about Rock's boy  Doug Martin exploding for 70 points this week but... why?

Instead I'd like to encourage everyone to get out there and vote today.

So what if it's a foregone conclusion that New York State's electoral votes get awarded to the Democrats. It doesn't mean you should let that fact deter you from choosing between two pre-selected candidates who spend hundreds of millions of dollars to get the right to tell you to live your life.

Right Jay?


Jay Cutler: [Sulks]

Monday, October 29, 2012

Week 8: God Giveth, Wad Taketh Away


I hate to make this post all about me, but I can't tell you how much of a relief it is to have gotten the win this week. Besides, with 5 teams sitting at 4-4 it's all about parity, which I don't think makes for as big a story as two religious figures going head-to-head.

After coming off two shameful losses to Ginny & T-Smoke, I was really down on myself. I was questioning just how much skill I had left in the fantasy football reservoir. Despite Cutler's best efforts (my quarterbacks are hands down the worst in the league), I was able to rally after getting a combined 92.5 points from all four of my keepers.

I'll be honest, I spent over an hour and a half going through pictures on my external hard drive relating to my feelings on religion before I decided I was not going to take any cheap shots at Vic. I'm a big believer in the "Clean Hands Doctrine", something Davie has probably learned about by this stage in his legal career. It means "Those who seek equity must practice equity." If I don't enjoy people pushing their religious beliefs on me, then I should offer the same courtesy in return. And that's all I'm going to say about that!

With only 5 weeks in the regular season remaining, there is a five-way tie for third place. I have the feeling that this season, much like last year's NHL playoffs, has the potential for a last seeded team to win it all. It's going to be an interesting run to the playoffs.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Week 7: So Now I Lose to T-Smoke



 Well, I can't feel that bad about losing by only two points. I had a midterm exam on Thursday night and I still had Alex Smith in the lineup when the game began. Even though I planned on starting Cutler I just didn't get the opportunity on a count of school.

Personally, I don't feel like it's that bad. If I'm going to miss the playoffs, then I might as well finish on the bottom rung of the league.

But don't worry, I won't intentionally throw games in order to pick first. That's the type of shit that NBA teams used to do and as a result they had to implement a draft lottery to prevent such behavior. Trust me when I tell you that I in no way will I associate myself with a sport as shameful as basketball.

I'm sorry, if I'm lashing out too much. It's just that I miss the NHL. The Astros were out of the postseason before July, the Bills are still the useless group of ragtag losers (who for some reason many of you still believe can win), who aren't even worth watching, and now fantasy football has been taken from me.

My only hope at this point is that Spae doesn't win. "Multiple ScoregasmsUD"? You couldn't come up with a more original name?

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It would kill me to see the sacred trophy besmirched by such a "Triple U"* (That's for you Don) name.

Now that we're officially past the halfway point of the season it's safe to say (barring a complete meltdown) Spae will have the #1 seed going into the postseason, but the remaining 5 playoff spots are still mostly up for grabs. So good luck to the rest of you that still have a shot!

*Uninspired, Unoriginal, & Unfunny

Monday, October 15, 2012

Week 6: So it's come to this... I lost to Ginny


For those of you who were wondering where I was all last week, I just wanted to let you know I was deeply mired in the throes of the 4th stage (Depression) of the: The Kübler-Ross model, commonly known as "The Five Stages of Grief"

Since I led the league in scoring in week 1, the process didn't begin until after the second game.What follows is a week by week account of my behavior

  1. Denial (Week 2) — "I feel fine."; "This can't be happening, not to me, I've got one of the best teams in the league!"
  2. Anger (Week 3) — "Why me? It's not fair!"; "How can this be happening?"; '"Who is to blame? I had the computer program to guide me!"
  3. Bargaining (Week 4) — "I'll do anything for a few more wins."; "I will spend a ton of money on free-agent pickups!"
  4.  Depression (Week 5) — "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "I'm going to miss the playoffs so what's the point?"; "I miss my championship trophy, why go on?"
  5.  Acceptance (Week 6) — "It's going to be okay."; "I can't fight it, I may as well prepare for next season."
So here we are, I've resigned myself to my fate as the owner of a sub-par team that will not make the playoffs. My quarterback only got me 8 points this week.

And on that note... Don, you're out of the loop for next year's draft. The fact that you took Robert Griffin III in the round I was planning on drafting him demonstrates that you cared only about receiving assistance rather than trying to work with Joey and I.

In order for an alliance to exist, we need to be able to work together. What we don't need is some hotshot Turk 182 playing by his own rules!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Week 4: My Team Sure Sucks


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No point in denying it, this is not they year The Christ Punchers bring home another championship. If there's anything positive to be taken away it's that:

  1. The #1 team in the league is from the NFL
  2. I made $20 betting against myself
  3. Devin's team still has the fewest points scored overall.
To the 8 of you that voted correctly (and Rock who didn't understand the poll), I want to thank you for your input when it comes to changing the league's scoring system for quarterbacks. Ryan Fitzpatrick & Tom Brady both had 4 TD's Sunday, but Fitzpatrick got more fantasy points despite throwing 4 picks. Needless to say I think it's time to re-evaluate how things are scored.

For the mystery 3 who couldn't be bothered to offer their opinion, the poll will close after week 5 ends.

Until next week...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week 3: Inconsistency & Injuries


"Whatever, it’s still not as bad as being on T’s roster."

What better way to kick off division play than a bye week for Joey and Rock?

First off, I think I need to apologize to Spae and Ginny for their pathetic week 2 point output. It should be pretty clear to anyone who looked at the scoreboard this week that Urgie and I would not be denied the title of “least deserving of a victory”. The reality is, I should’ve learned my lesson after Ginny’s 2003 championship game collapse. You see, when a player loses an immediate family member he’s going to be fantasy gold that week. Fuck Torrey Smith!

Second, I don’t know if it’s the replacement refs or the slew of injuries, but it seems like everyone’s fantasy teams have been up and down through the first three weeks. With no one stepping up to be the model of consistency it’s getting tough to figure out who will be the one to beat this year. The only thing I’m sure of at this point is that T-Smoke’s team is just as hopeless as Ginny’s. My advice is to stop spreading yourselves so thin among other leagues. Perhaps the two of you can finally find some common ground and become united in your hatred of me calling you out.

Third, and finally, Spae and I were talking about implementing a performance element to quarterback scoring. The idea is that since QB touchdowns count as 6 points when most leagues have them at 4, there should be a -2 deduction for interceptions. I started a poll so vote on what your opinion on the topic would be. It won’t pass unless we get a majority vote so please weigh in.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Week 2: The Symmetry of the Standings


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First of all I want to congratulate Spae on his team's powerhouse performance this past week. My only regret is I already used the photo of the "Cripple Fight" from South Park otherwise it would have been a much more appropriate way to express my feelings on the matter.

Second, I'm sorry for taking a day to update. Gym, school, and school work are occupying most of my time. I can do other things! Why shouldn't I?!

And third, the standings have developed a type of symmetry I don't know if I've seen before.

  • 2 teams who are undefeated (both in the same division)
  • 8 teams who are .500 (including an entire division)
  • 2 teams who are winless (both in the same division)

Things are pretty much up for grabs. The only person who I think is a lock to not make the playoffs this year is Ginny. Look on the bright side, by bottoming out, you'll be able to draft first overall and develop a foundation of talent rather than slumming it up in the middle of the pack. Just make sure you don't give up on Peyton yet:

He's still got it... Right?  Photobucket

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week 1 Starts Off With A Bang!


It's a point explosion in the first week!

I hope the irony of me posting something getting blown up on September 11th wasn't lost on you.

It's too soon for me to start hurling insults, making comparisons or calling anyone's team out for being bad since it's only week one. Plus, a lot of you performed really well. I don't know if I've seen this many teams (9) hit triple digits in a single week before. The cumulative point total for the first week was 1352.5. Spread that out across 12 owners and that's an average of nearly 113 points per team!

So I'll hold off for the time being when it comes to spewing any venom. Except for T-Smoke who took the title of "The guy who had to get Kevin Ogletree off the waiver wire at 3:00AM". Congratulations T, you've now got Dallas' 3rd best receiver. He's all yours.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Draft Day 2012



Well I think it's safe to say that was one of the more memorable draft day experiences! It'll be interesting to see how things pan out over the course of the next few days.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Keepers, Draft Order, & Acquisition Fees



For better or worse. Whether they like it or not, we've all locked in the players that we'll be holding onto for the next season. As you already know, the draft is next Sunday the 2nd at Ginny's house at 1:00PM and it will be held in the garage.

Since I've got the budget money, and I'll be using that once again to order pizzas at the end of the draft, I wouldn't mind some feedback on what else to get for the draft itself. Last year I bought a lot of beer but people just brought their own so I figure if you want to drink, bring your own booze and we'll budget the money for food and snacks.

1. Don (Regular Season 2-11, 1147 Points for)
2. Vic (Regular Season 4-9, 1321 Points for)
3. Spae (Regular Season 4-9, 1408 Points for)
4. Rock (Regular Season 5-8, 1524 Points for)
5. Devin (Regular Season 6-7, 1531.5 Points for)
6. Joe Pro (Regular Season 7-6, 1361.5 Points for)

7. B-Shorts (Regular Season 7-6, 1413.5 Points for)
8. T-Smoke (Regular Season 8-5, 1577.5 Points for)
9. Wadhams (Regular Season 9-4, 1696 Points for)
10. Davie (Regular Season 7-6, 1521.5 Points for)
11. Urgie (Regular Season 8-5, 1455 Points for)*
12. Joey (Regular Season 11-2, 1615 Points for)

*As part of their controversial trade deadline transaction, since Urgie keept Marshawn Lynch, Spae will get Urgie's 5th round pick.

So here's the keepers:

•Maurice Jones-Drew, Jac RB

•Larry Fitzgerald, Ari WR
•Hakeem Nicks, NYG WR
•Michael Vick, Phi QB

•Drew Brees, NO QB
•Jamaal Charles, KC RB
•Greg Jennings, GB WR
•Brandon Marshall, Chi WR

•Ray Rice, Bal RB
•Darren Sproles, NO RB

•Matt Forte, Chi RB
•Wes Welker, NE WR
•Antonio Brown, Pit WR
•Peyton Manning, Den QB

Joe Pro
•Steven Jackson, StL RB
•Andre Johnson, Hou WR
•Darren McFadden, Oak RB

•Michael Turner, Atl RB
•Roddy White, Atl WR
•Cam Newton, Car QB
•DeMarco Murray, Dal RB

•Aaron Rodgers, GB QB
•Ryan Mathews*, SD RB
•Arian Foster, Hou RB

•Adrian Peterson, Min RB
•LeSean McCoy, Phi RB
•Percy Harvin, Min WR
•Rob Gronkowski, NE TE

•Matt Ryan, Atl QB
•Julio Jones, Atl WR
•Jimmy Graham, NO TE
•Jordy Nelson, GB WR

•Tom Brady, NE QB
•Reggie Bush, Mia RB
•Victor Cruz, NYG WR
•Marshawn Lynch, Sea RB

•Calvin Johnson, Det WR
•Chris Johnson, Ten RB
•A.J. Green, Cin WR
•Matthew Stafford, Det QB

To try and cut down on confusion, here is how the draft will proceed (I included this screencap from my computer program to act as a visual aid).

Round 1 - Completed

Round 2

1. Don

Round 3

2. Don
3. Rock

Round 4

4. Don
5. Vic
6. Rock
7. Joe Pro
8. T-Smoke

Round 5
9. Rock*
10. Vic
11. Spae
12. Rock
13. Ginny
14. Joe Pro
15. B-Shorts
16. T-Smoke
17. Wadhams
18. Davie
19. Spae*
20. Joey

Round 6 - B-Shorts gets Devin's pick

Round 9 - Rock gets Don's pick

The 2011 entry fees (which I would appreciate everyone paying on draft day) will be put into the league treasury fund to pay the expenses for the 2012 draft, trophy engraving and post-season party expenses. The list is as follows:

  • Jeremy B-Shorts: 6 Acquisitions = $6
  • Wadhams: 9 Acquisitions = $9
  • Spae: 12 Acquisitions = $20
  • Vic: 8 Acquisitions = $8

  • Joe Pro: 8 Acquisitions = $8
  • Davie: 10 Acquisitions = $10
  • Urgie: 13 Acquisitions = $25
  • Don: 11 Acquisitions = $15

  • Joey: 16 Acquisitions = $40 (Paid on 1/7/2012)
  • Rock: 10 Acquisitions = $10
  • T-Smoke: 14 Acquisitions = $30
  • Ginny: 11 Acquisitions = $15


Remember, this money is going towards the draft board, draft day booze and food. I am not pocketing a dime, so for the good of the Underdogs Fantasy Football League, please be kind enough to pay.

Now there is nothing left for me to do except sit back and listen to the influx of whining and complaining everyone will direct toward me about how unfair things are because they didn't go your way. Bring it on fuckers!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July



Well I activated the 2012 website at Spae's insistence, so feel free to browse around and look things over. For those of you too lazy to visit the archive to see what the draft order for this season will be, here it is:

1. Don (Regular Season 2-11, 1147 Points for)
2. Vic (Regular Season 4-9, 1321 Points for)
3. Spae (Regular Season 4-9, 1408 Points for)
4. Rock (Regular Season 5-8, 1524 Points for)
5. Devin (Regular Season 6-7, 1531.5 Points for)
6. Joe Pro (Regular Season 7-6, 1361.5 Points for)

7. B-Shorts (Regular Season 7-6, 1413.5 Points for)
8. T-Smoke (Regular Season 8-5, 1577.5 Points for)
9. Wadhams (Regular Season 9-4, 1696 Points for)
10. Davie (Regular Season 7-6, 1521.5 Points for)
11. Urgie (Regular Season 8-5, 1455 Points for)*
12. Joey (Regular Season 11-2, 1615 Points for)

*As part of their trade deadline transaction, if Urgie keeps Marshawn Lynch, Spae will get Urgie's 5th round pick. If Urgie decides not to keep Lynch, Spae will receive Urgie's 6th round selection.

The 2011 entry fees (which I would appreciate everyone paying on draft day) will be put into the league treasury fund to pay the expenses for the 2012 draft, trophy engraving and post-season party expenses. The list is as follows:

  • Jeremy B-Shorts: 6 Acquisitions = $6
  • Wadhams: 9 Acquisitions = $9
  • Spae: 12 Acquisitions = $20
  • Vic: 8 Acquisitions = $8

  • Joe Pro: 8 Acquisitions = $8
  • Davie: 10 Acquisitions = $10
  • Urgie: 13 Acquisitions = $25
  • Don: 11 Acquisitions = $15

  • Joey: 16 Acquisitions = $40 (Paid on 1/7/2012)
  • Rock: 10 Acquisitions = $10
  • T-Smoke: 14 Acquisitions = $30
  • Ginny: 11 Acquisitions = $15

Remember, this money is going towards the draft board, draft day booze and food. I am not pocketing a dime, so for the good of the Underdogs Fantasy Football League, please be kind enough to pay.

Finally, Spae will select the random numbers this year that will generate the schedule. So if you're unhappy with how things turn out this season he'll be the one to blame. As far as draft day goes, unless something changes it will once again be the Sunday of Labor Day weekend so pencil Sunday September 2nd on your calendars with the day for locking in your keepers being Sunday August 26th at 6:00PM

In the words of Mitch Hedberg: "Good luck fuckers!"

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2011 Champion


Joey does it again

Well so ends another season...

Next year’s draft order will be as follows:

1. Don (Regular Season 2-11, 1147 Points for)
2. Vic (Regular Season 4-9, 1321 Points for)
3. Spae (Regular Season 4-9, 1408 Points for)
4. Rock (Regular Season 5-8, 1524 Points for)
5. Devin (Regular Season 6-7, 1531.5 Points for)
6. Joe Pro (Regular Season 7-6, 1361.5 Points for)

7. B-Shorts (Regular Season 7-6, 1413.5 Points for)
8. T-Smoke (Regular Season 8-5, 1577.5 Points for)
9. Wadhams (Regular Season 9-4, 1696 Points for)
10. Davie (Regular Season 7-6, 1521.5 Points for)
11. Urgie (Regular Season 8-5, 1455 Points for)*
12. Joey (Regular Season 11-2, 1615 Points for)

*As part of their trade deadline transaction, if Urgie keeps Marshawn Lynch, Spae will get Urgie's 5th round pick. If Urgie decides not to keep Lynch, Spae will receive Urgie's 6th round selection.

The 2011 entry fees (which I would appreciate everyone paying on draft day) will be put into the league treasury fund to pay the expenses for the 2012 draft, trophy engraving and post-season party expenses. The list is as follows:

  • Jeremy B-Shorts: 6 Acquisitions = $6
  • Wadhams: 9 Acquisitions = $9
  • Spae: 12 Acquisitions = $20
  • Vic: 8 Acquisitions = $8

  • Joe Pro: 8 Acquisitions = $8
  • Davie: 10 Acquisitions = $10
  • Urgie: 13 Acquisitions = $25
  • Don: 11 Acquisitions = $15

  • Joey: 16 Acquisitions = $40 (Paid on 1/7/2012)
  • Rock: 10 Acquisitions = $10
  • T-Smoke: 14 Acquisitions = $30
  • Ginny: 11 Acquisitions = $15

Remember, this money is going towards the draft board, draft day booze and food. I am not pocketing a dime, so for the good of the Underdogs Fantasy Football League, please be kind enough to pay.