Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Week 5: Over/Under 80

Sorry for the delay with this weeks update, but I fell asleep at 11:00 last night and spent all day Tuesday running around & doing more holocaust research. Don’t worry, I won’t bore you with more evidence of gas chambers being a total hoax, I was just merely explaining why I took so long to change the League Manager’s Note.

Unfortunately I don’t really have anything worthwhile to talk about. I can’t come up with an idea like NFL/Fantasy owners comparisons week after week. The negative long-term effects of boozing it up at Rock’s wedding have seen to that.
So what is sexy? Is it Alien in a pair of designer briefs? Nah, if I had to choose I’d say that “sexy” is Rock failing to score more than 80 points this week.

For those who might not have been aware, some of us have been keeping a non-official eye on: “Whether or not Rock will go over or under 80 points this week?” See, of the 5 games this season, Rock has scored less than 80 points on three occasions. Plus when you average out his cumulative score over that time, it comes out to be 81.1 points per week.
So from here on out (or at least till the Dragons get their act together), I’ll be keeping an eye on Rock’s point output… or lack thereof.

If I had to guess at this week’s prospects of the dragons covering the over, I’d have to go with under. With Rock on his Honeymoon, he might not be able to set his roster for total domination. Any takers?