Maybe it's because I don't like the idea of being forced to do an update each week. Maybe it's an attempt to get more traffic to the archive page. But whatever the reason, I'm enjoying the fact that this season I'm creating posts on the blogspot account that don't appear on our league's front page.
This week I'd like to weigh in on a one-sided and downright stupid trade between Urgie & Ginny.
Yes, Urgie traded for Peyton Manning, giving up Greg Olsen in the process.
In other words, Urgie wanted to get his hands on the 28th ranked QB, (while still having Drew Brees on his roster?!), in exchange for the 4th ranked TE.
Manning managed to score a whopping -7 points this week en route to another injury.
Urgie, it's moves like this that have kept you from winning a championship during the tenure of the 13 years this league has existed.
I'd like to find some sort of logic behind the though process that was involved but sadly, it eludes me.
My attitude as commissioner when it comes to trades is to take a hands off approach unless the terms of the bargain are found to be egregious. The logic being that I don't want to be standing over everyone telling them what the can and cannot do. We're all grown men, we should be able to make competent decisions without people monitoring our actions.
While this didn't exactly qualify as "egregious", it came damn close.
But in the grand scheme of things, it isn't as bad as it could've been. Urgie had the sense to tell Rock to pound dirt when he tried to fleece him out of Gurley.
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