The more time I spend out in public (at the gym, bars, restaurants, malls, sporting events, etc.), the more I've come to the conclusion that there are a lot of people in this world who are self-centered, entitlement princesses, egotistical, selfish, and don't care about anyone other than themselves. That's why I wanted to take the opportunity to use this update to let you guys to know just how much I treasure the friendships that we all share.
Over the weekend, a good friend of mine gave me a book of compliments valued at $50. I did nothing to earn this book, my friend was just nice enough to give it to me out of the kindness of his heart. Since a $50 book has a lot of compliments, I figured the right thing to do would be to share just a small number of them with friends.
Spae: You're a dedicated teacher and buddy. Even though I don't care for basketball, I admire your commitment to learning, and teaching the sport. It's an endeavor of passion that I can only hope to achieve some day in my own life. Through all the years I've given you grief in fantasy football, you've managed to find the restraint to keep from lashing out at me, and I would like you to know I appreciate that.
Vic: The devotion you have shown to your religious beliefs has been unwavering, and I can't help but respect you for it. I might take a few good nurtured jabs at you with my team name, and atheist fantasy football persona, but through it all you've demonstrated a restraint worthy of the book of Matthew 5:39. You're also only one of two people to win a championship more than once.
B-Shorts: On those occasions where I see you out at the bar, I can always count on you to be up for another beer, and for the few occasions when I need a CNS stimulant, you don't seem to mind letting me bum a smoke. We can count on you to bring over something to eat when you come by Devin's on Sunday for the games. Even though your team might not be doing very well this season, I'm confident you'll make the NFL proud once again to have you in their division.
Ginny: You always give us a place to hang out on Sunday to watch the football games. All you ask in return is the pleasure of our company, and that we bring something to snack on. It makes me feel good knowing that you now have a team that is arguably the best in the league. Keep up all the great work.
T-Smoke: You're one of the hardest working guys I know. But not only that, you have the rare ability to make a joke at someone's expense without them feeling like it's a personal attack. It's a skill I would love to be able to add to my repertoire. In the fantasy world, you're finally starting to add some great pieces to the team which should help you more in the coming seasons.
Joey: I've been friends with you longer than I have with anyone else in the league. Through all the years, you managed to tolerate my social ineptitude, and I know that couldn't have been easy. But I think what has kept us friends this long has been the fact that both of us are willing to be as obnoxious as possible without caring how strange we might seem to other people (OJ). When it comes to fantasy football... I can't oversell how much you've helped me. From introducing me to my first league in 1998, showing me the website you use, to mentoring me as to which players to take. All of this helped contribute to my championship and the league we have today. Thank you.
Davie: Smart people are great to be around. And so are patient people. But you manage to be smart and patient at the same time, which is such an amazing, rare combination. It's good to see you turn your team around from a team that had Knowshon Moreno, and Beanie Wells as their first overall picks, to a potential championship contender.
Don: No matter what the circumstances, you'll always be up for a good party and your quick wit never ceases to make us laugh. I think I speak for everyone when I say how much it amazes me that you seem to be the only one who can poke fun at the king of Lockport without any reprisals. The gradual improvement you’re showing with your team is commendable. I can see that you're definitely trying more than in the past years, and I think you're not far off from finishing in the money some day soon.
Joe Pro: You're a budding family man who has always been ready to share whatever you have with the rest of us. In the years I've known you, you've demonstrated a limitless generosity without asking for anything in return. The relationship you have with your father makes me wish I could be that close with my own dad. Fantasy wise: You managed to take over a team when you joined the league and turn them into champions. Keep it up, and I can't imagine that a second one is too far off.
Urgie: With a level head and strong work ethic, both of which you got from your father, you've had more bad breaks in the world of fantasy football than the rest of us put together. But through it all you never blame anyone, or lose your cool. You just keep right on grinding through season after season. If there is any justice in this universe, you'll get your name on that trophy soon enough!
That's it you guys, I hope you know just how much I enjoyed sharing this with all of you. After all: Sharing is caring.