Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Week 9: The Ballad of Urgie


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I've been struggling to figure out a theme for this week's update. There's only so many times I can motherfuck Rock before it just starts getting redundant. Besides, I'm playing him this week so the time for talk had ended. Simply put... "It's go time Mandelbaum!" Also I know that some of you visit the site from locations where it isn't acceptable to view some of the content I'd like to post.

So in the interest of keeping things safe for work and not leaving a blank for week 9, I decided to extend my sympathies to Urgie.

It's no secret I've had a soft-spot in my heart for Urgie after all the fantasy football trauma he's endured. From the Brady injury in the first game of the 2008 season to the one-point loss in the second round of the 2009 playoffs. A game where he was falsely reported to have won, and if he did manage the victory, he'd have been the champion that year. And now, suffering an epic beat-down at the hands of Vic in a week where he scored the third highest points.

What makes these events to sad is that he's never really taken a cheap shot at any of us in the league. I tweeted last weekend how a good fantasy football season will test the limits of what a friendship can endure. Let's face it, even though we're all pretty close friends, the last four months of every year is riddled with disgust for one another that teeters on the brink of downright hatred. In addition to playing a clean style of game, Urgie also seems to have good drafts (winning the Heineken golf bag prize in 2012). It's just that for some reason, usually as a result of circumstances beyond his control (whether it's having a tough schedule, or being forced to endure injuries), he can never seem to put together a winner.

Urgie's probably going to miss the playoffs (even though no one is mathematically eliminated just yet), but I just wanted to take a week to let him know that I sympathize with his situation, and remind him that no matter what happens each season, our league is better for having him in it.