Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Week 9: The Sacrilegious Schedule


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Once again, I pulled myself back at the last second and shelved an update that would have centered around my contempt for Vic and Jesus. This has happened thrice this season (I'm bringing the word "thrice" back because I feel it's been grossly underused over the years), and one of these days the floodgates are going to burst open and I'll spew all the venom I've been suppressing. But this is not that day.

Instead I'd like to acknowledge the fact that there are only 2 teams who have scored more points than me this season (Ginny & T-Smoke), yet I have a 4-5 record and am on the outside of the playoff picture looking in. I have the most points scored against me this year.

Ginny has the most points scored, but he is also at 4-5 due to the schedule fucking him as well. Both he and I have had the unfortunate luck to have our opponents score an UNGODLY amount of points against us when we play.

Meanwhile Vic's above average team is sitting pretty at 6-3 and is a virtual lock to make the postseason.

This is how I imagine Vic privately celebrating every win this year...
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That's the way things go when you have a head-to-head schedule. I'm not complaining though, I'd rather face an opponent each week instead of dealing a cumulative points scored system.

Still, it could be worse. I could be that sucker who turned down Rock's offer of Emmanuel Sanders in an epic trade. I won't name names. You know what a horrible decision it was to pass up on that.