Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2011 Champion


Joey does it again

Well so ends another season...

Next year’s draft order will be as follows:

1. Don (Regular Season 2-11, 1147 Points for)
2. Vic (Regular Season 4-9, 1321 Points for)
3. Spae (Regular Season 4-9, 1408 Points for)
4. Rock (Regular Season 5-8, 1524 Points for)
5. Devin (Regular Season 6-7, 1531.5 Points for)
6. Joe Pro (Regular Season 7-6, 1361.5 Points for)

7. B-Shorts (Regular Season 7-6, 1413.5 Points for)
8. T-Smoke (Regular Season 8-5, 1577.5 Points for)
9. Wadhams (Regular Season 9-4, 1696 Points for)
10. Davie (Regular Season 7-6, 1521.5 Points for)
11. Urgie (Regular Season 8-5, 1455 Points for)*
12. Joey (Regular Season 11-2, 1615 Points for)

*As part of their trade deadline transaction, if Urgie keeps Marshawn Lynch, Spae will get Urgie's 5th round pick. If Urgie decides not to keep Lynch, Spae will receive Urgie's 6th round selection.

The 2011 entry fees (which I would appreciate everyone paying on draft day) will be put into the league treasury fund to pay the expenses for the 2012 draft, trophy engraving and post-season party expenses. The list is as follows:

  • Jeremy B-Shorts: 6 Acquisitions = $6
  • Wadhams: 9 Acquisitions = $9
  • Spae: 12 Acquisitions = $20
  • Vic: 8 Acquisitions = $8

  • Joe Pro: 8 Acquisitions = $8
  • Davie: 10 Acquisitions = $10
  • Urgie: 13 Acquisitions = $25
  • Don: 11 Acquisitions = $15

  • Joey: 16 Acquisitions = $40 (Paid on 1/7/2012)
  • Rock: 10 Acquisitions = $10
  • T-Smoke: 14 Acquisitions = $30
  • Ginny: 11 Acquisitions = $15

Remember, this money is going towards the draft board, draft day booze and food. I am not pocketing a dime, so for the good of the Underdogs Fantasy Football League, please be kind enough to pay.