Or as Joseph Ducreux would say:
When a beacon of positivity like Joe Pro, a regular ray of sunshine glowing on us all from above, takes to the message board to call you a “pessimistic KUNT”… well, you can’t help but re-evaluate your life.
I apologize for upsetting any of you. I have no excuse. So I will endeavor to do better from here on out. It will be difficult to combine the public’s desire to make fun of people while avoiding the pitfalls of pessimism. But how do I achieve this? It’s like trying to find the oil that mixes with water, the rocks that bounce off glass windows or the brilliant black physicist.
Congratulations to Vic & Davie for getting their first wins of the season, even though it had to come at the expense of Urgie & I. Live it up Davie, your wins will be few and far between.
"The Boys Are Out Tonight!"
Spae, a thousand apologies for the bad fantasy advice when I said you should start McCluster over Gore. No matter how much I try and help you out (hoping to lose to you late last season to avoid causing your elimination), I always wind up fucking you over in Fantasy Football.
And in closing, to all those who are upset with me…
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