Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Dirty Jew Award: Week 1

Congratulations Rock!

I think I speak for everyone when I say that I did not want to be the first guy that gorged himself on the free agent pool. Fortunately you managed to take that title away from us with gusto.

Though I should give you credit for the following two things:

1. You waited until 5:30 this morning to make the pickups. That's two and a half hours after they were available. Granted ESPN may have fucked up and kept the rosters locked a little longer than usual.

2. Absolutely no player of significant value was taken.

On a side note, I'd like to congratulate T for his win, and offer my condolences to Spae for getting jammed hard by Arian Foster.

*Note, I was going to superimpose Spae's face over that of the whiteboy, but I figured his role as an administrator in our community's educational system might make him only slightly uncomfortable that the image might come back to haunt him.

Rock, the Ol' Dirty Bastard wanted me to tell you:

ODB: Bitch, you know Joe Pro's name, now give him his money!!!

Ginny, I'm looking forward to our only showdown of the season this week. Be prepared for me to push the boundaries of your tolerance for my behavior this Sunday. (I'm honestly not even going to try and piss you off, I'll just be that damned irritating!)

Finally, my heart goes out to Urgie for once again having a keeper get bit by the injury bug in the first week of the season.

As for the rest of you, continue to fuck off!