Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 Champion: The Rock


"The Little Doodle that Could"

Well, it finally happened. Yes, Rock has won an Underdogs Fantasy Football Championship. I could take this time to talk about how he embraced his inner Zionist by discussing the trades he pulled off with Don & Joe Pro, but that would be considered "negative". Besides, I've done some questionable wheeling and dealing throughout my fantasy career so I'm in no position to pass judgement. In fact, I have to congratulate Rock. All great success stories seem to involve a certain amount of ruthless scrambling to reach the top of the mountain.  So I say let's welcome Rock to the club. As a past victor, my advice is to enjoy the off-season as champion, and get ready for the bulls-eye that will be on your back through all of 2013.

Now, onto the business of the 2013 season. The draft order for next year will be as follows:

1. Vic (Regular Season: 2-11, 1302.5 Points for)
2. Joe Pro (Regular Season: 5-8, 1322 Points for)
3. Urgie (Regular Season: 5-8, 1486.5 Points for)
4. B-Shorts (Regular Season: 5-7-1, 1429 Points for)
5. T-Smoke (Regular Season: 6-7, 1345 Points for)
6. Don (Regular Season: 6-6-1, 1250 Points for)

7. Ginny (Regular Season: 7-6, 1407.5 Points for)
8. Wad (Regular Season: 7-6, 1486 Points for)
9. Joey (Regular Season: 7-6, 1648.5 Points for)
10. Spae (Regular Season: 8-5, 1580 Points for)
11. Davie (Regular Season: 9-4, 1477 Points for)
12. Rock (Regular Season: 10-3, 1678.5 Points for)

The 2012 entry fees (which I would appreciate everyone paying on draft day) will be put into the league treasury fund to pay the expenses for the 2013 draft, trophy engraving and post-season party expenses. The list is as follows:

  • Jeremy B-Shorts: 10 Acquisitions = $10
  • Wadhams: 15 Acquisitions = $35
  • Spae: 12 Acquisitions = $20
  • Vic: 7 Acquisitions = $7

  • Joe Pro: 10 Acquisitions = $10
  • Davie: 20 Acquisitions = $60
  • Urgie: 7 Acquisitions = $7
  • Don: 10 Acquisitions = $10

  • Joey: 13 Acquisitions = $25
  • Rock: 5 Acquisitions = $5
  • T-Smoke: 10 Acquisitions = $10
  • Ginny: 14 Acquisitions = $30

Remember, this money is going towards the draft board, draft day booze and food. I am not pocketing a dime, so for the good of the Underdogs Fantasy Football League, please be kind enough to pay.

Finally, since Vic had the misfortune of having a whopping 1618.5 scored against him this season, he will select the random numbers this year that will generate the 2013 schedule.

Enjoy the off-season, and  I'll see you in next year.

Monday, December 17, 2012

2012 Championship Matchup


So Davie & Rock are going head-to-head for the championship?


Sorry, I couldn't resist. Besides, I wanted to keep my Futurama motif  going through the post-season. In all seriousness, good luck to the both of you. Since things will be wrapping up this time next week, I'll lay out the whole process of how it's going to go down.

  • December 24, 2012 - Once the final score is decided, I'll actually come to you and drop off the money (minus the funds from those who still have not paid).
    • 1st Place - $750
    • 2nd Place - $350
    • 3rd Place - $100
  • December 26, 2012 - I'll drop off the trophy for engraving
    • The last few years they've stopped doing it while I waited and instead are taking their sweet time to finish it (Usually two days or so).
Once the trophy is done, I'll pick it up and bring it to you. That's it. All you guys have to do is sit back, adjust your rosters and hope the fantasy Gods smile upon your team. I think I speak on behalf of the other UDFFL Champions when I say I'm looking forward to welcoming one of you to the club. Good luck!

Finally, here's how the 2013 draft order will begin:

  1. Vic
  2. Joe Pro
  3. Urgie
  4. B-Shorts
  5. T-Smoke
  6. Don
  7. Ginny
  8. Wad

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Week 13: Opening Round of the Playoffs




"Let the games begin!"

I'm going to keep this one short since I've got exams both this week and next and I need to focus all my attention to keeping my 4.0

Here's how the playoff bracket looks for those of you who can't be bothered to look at the schedule tab. With Rock & Davie having the first and second seeds this postseason, I think it's safe to say that the way our league is structured gives everyone an equal chance to have the best team.


Finally, here's how the 2013 draft order will begin:

  1. Vic
  2. Joe Pro
  3. Urgie
  4. B-Shorts
  5. T-Smoke
  6. Don
See you when the semester ends!